Install MSB and read the documentation first. By looking at the example in the screen shots, you should be able to setup a test blog on your domain. Replace the with your domain. The idea is to get you used to MSB.

Once you entered the general parameters of your blog(URL, name, tagline..), write 1 or 2 quick posts.

Save the blog and click on Generate

Your Generated blog will be in your Document folder. For example under Vista:

C:\Users\yourname\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\MyStarterBlog\Generated Blog\blog_default

Uploading the blog to your domain

You must create the folder /msb_example under the root of your domain.

On Host Gator, you would have this below. Upload the files from the blog_default there


Uploading the images of the themes to your domain

Once you have generated your blog, you can copy the images in the images subfolder. Other users might want to differentiate the themes images and the blog images.

The images of the theme you selected are here: For example with nichemate-blue-right

C:\Users\yourname\Documents\McGrath Info Solution\MyStarterBlog\Theme\nichemate-blue-right\themeimages

Note: With some FTP software, you can select a folder and it will create the folder and subfolders and upload it's files on your domain for you.

Under msb_example, you must create an images folder like below.


Upload the \images from the generated folder of the blog to the /images on the server

Once it done, you should have :


You can now acces your test blog like this:

Keywords: getting, started, quick