v1.6.0 (2009-03-17)


  • Add: 10 tags([adblock1] to [adblock10]) to replace adblocks.php
  • Add: In index_page.php and index_post.php, you now have showad, showaff variables. Those are 2 new columns that you can control in the those pages in MSB. Those are accessible in the registered version only.
  • Add: msbconfig.txt to let you use another folder other than My Documents. You must add a line this line in the text file: datapath:f:\mymsbdata. The file must saved in the folder where mystarterblog.exe is located.
  • Add: When you save a blog, you can select the folder. This is for those that want to group types of blogs in sub folders.
  • Add: Except for the basic theme files, extra files will be copied automatically when you generate a blog. Each extra file will be read and global tags will be replaced at the same time.
  • Add: To reduce duplicate content(www and non www), the tag [www-non-www] is now available in htaccess. If you use a subdomain, just check the new Subdomain option and the value of the tag will be empty. Otherwise, the Blog URL will be used to determine what is the prefered way for a domain.
  • Change: Import WP(xml) has now it's own parameter page for later uses.
  • Change: the default value for the theme images folder is now "images"


  • A few minor corrections found


This is a stable version. This version main goal was to use generic name for most files. If you want to convert an old theme to a new theme, here what you should know. Please, look at the new themes to help you understand the modifications better.

1. headertop.php is still a file but a new tag[headertop]. Use the tag in this file: about.php, archive.php, contact.php, index_main.php, index_page.php, index_post.php, privacy.php. Before

< ? include('headertop.php'); $pagetype = "other"; ?>


[ headertop]
< ? $pagetype = "other"; ?>

2. recentpost.php, blogpage.php, links.php are no longer used(delete them). They were replaced with those tags: [blogpage] [recentpost] [links]. You can find them in footer.php and header.php

3. blog_rss.xml was rename to rss.xml

4. allowcommentbox.php is a new file that's also a tag([allowcommentbox]). It will be used in index_page.php index_post.php. Also, [pagecleantitle] and [postcleantitle] tags are no longer used.

v1.5.0 (2009-02-28)


  • Add: Better integration with Rob's MSB Ebay Plugin
  • Add: Simple HTML editor(not WISIWIG) but with a preview page within MSB
  • Add: Many new tags to make MSB more flexible
  • Add:Theme editor so that you can edit the files of the theme from within MSB
  • Add: List Themes using themeimage.gif and readme.txt to find themes easier. The authors can use readme.txt to give further instructions about the theme
  • Add: redirection(.htaccess) manager when importing WordPress XML, renaming the URL of a post or converting a site to MSB
  • Change: It will now use the blog file name instead of the blog title to name the generated folder of the blog. This way, you can have different versions of your blog without overwritting the files of the original blog. Example: ...\My_Starter_Blog_Example will become ...\blog_default


  • Many corrections found during the previous beta.


This is a stable version. Only the major additions/changes were listed above. The included themes support the new tags added during the betas. Also, the documentation was finally updated.

v1.5.0b9 (2009-02-23)


  • Add: In the HTML editor, you now add a link(URL properties). If you select a word, a new window will opend. Otherwise, a basic url statement will be add to the current position
  • Add: In Extra pages(grid), the new Hide column(registered users only) will allow you to not display a page on the sidebar thus giving you the possibility to place the page where you want in your theme.
  • Change: Post shown can go up to 999 instead of 99. This will perfect for auction sites.


  • The meta description was not working in some cases.


This version is a beta but could be a RC0 or even v1.50. The included themes don't support the new tags. Also, the documentation was not updated.

v1.5.0b6 (2009-02-22)


  • Add: New tag: [sidebarcontent] to add content on the sidebar
  • Add: Ping using Pingoat and modified the Browser page by using a combobox of things you can "Do"
  • Add: When editing a theme file, will now ask if you want to save or not the file if modification was done.


  • Refresh issues.
  • Cr=<br> had a bug.
  • Reordered fields


This version is a beta but more stable than b5. The included themes don't support the new tags. Also, the documentation was not updated.

v1.5.0b5 (2009-02-20)


  • Add: Better integration with Rob's MSB Ebay Plugin
  • Add: Simple HTML editor(not WISIWIG) but with a preview page within MSB
  • Add: New tag: [charset] for those not using utf-8 character sets(headertop.php of the theme)
  • Add: New tag: [themeimagesfolder] to replace the default theme images folder [style.css]
  • Add: New tag: [titlebar] if you want to use another title for the browser title instead of using the blog name


This version is a beta. Beta 2 to 4 were internal only. The included themes don't support the new tags. Also, the documentation was not updated.

v1.5.0b1 (2009-02-16)


  • Add: Theme editor so that you can edit the files of the theme from within MSB
  • Add: List Themes using themeimage.gif and readme.txt to find themes easier. The authors can use readme.txt to give further instructions about the theme
  • Add: In the Browser page, added a YouTube button so that people can search for a video. Registered users will be able to click on Paste Video so that the embed code be pasted in the current cursor position of the current post.
  • Add: From the Post and Page grid, you can now change the permalink. Warning: Don't add the .php at end of the URL. For example, you might want to remove some words from the URL: the-best-wife-in-the-world will be best-wife-world
  • Add: You will see a CR=<br> button. This should be used once(new post, page, about) since every Carriage Return will be replaced by <br>. It's still better to use HTML code like <p> for paragraph in the first place.
  • Add: You now Import .txt in the Extra page.
  • Add: Tag [redirection] in .htaccess only should make it easier to redirect old URL to a new page. You can enter the redirection in the Standard page/blog notes/tag . Example Redirect 301 /oldpage/ http://www.example.com/newpage
  • Add: When importing a WP blog, MSB will create the redirections for you of the old pages. It will use the old URL to build the new URL
  • Add: Tag [serverfolder] in .htaccess only for helping when a hosting company does not support the .htaccess completely. By default, it sould have the same value as /mystarterblog_en/.
  • Add: In the Standard page/blog notes/tag, you will find [homepagecontent] or [authorbiocontent]. Those a global tags an can be used in most pages.
  • Add: Username FTP, Password FTP fields in case the values are different from the control panel of your host.
  • Change: It will now use the blog file name instead of the blog title to name the generated folder of the blog. This way, you can have different versions of your blog without overwritting the files of the original blog. Example: ...\My_Starter_Blog_Example will become ...\blog_default
  • Change: Will now delete and copy everytime the \themeimages from the theme to the generated folder. This will same a step for most new users.
  • Change: After a blog is generated, the new message will help better new users with a reminder of the steps to do when uploading the files on the domain.
  • Change: the Blog URL  will add the http:// if the user forgot to enter it. Example: mcgrathinfosolution.com will give http:mcgrathinfosolution.com/


  • Error in sitemap.xml </urlset> AFTER the pages section. You can regenerate the blog or edit sitemap.xml and keep the last </urlset>
  • Combox in the Extra page was editable
  • Empty the theme when importing a WP blog
  • Possible error when importing .txt with no title checked


This version is stable even in beta. Many new features are to better help new users. The included themes don't support the new tags. However, the documentation was not updated.

v1.0.1 (2009-02-10)



  • When previewing a post or page, each "end of line" was replaced by <br>.  Since users need to add HTML code like <p> </p> for paragraphs, an extra line would had been shown in the preview.
  • When the post would had been published on the blog, each line would had been merged together if no HTML coding was added.

v1.0.0 (2009-02-08)


This is the intial version.

Keywords: history