
Main grid

The grid has 6 columns. The order is based on the descending date. The recent post is at the top.

Check: Click to select the post(s) so to perform an action.

Title: It's the title of the post.

Date: It's the date the post was published

Published.: Click on the post you wish to publish. The Date (above) will be change to the current date/time. For example, you can have a draft of a post that's many months old. Clicking on Published will change to the current date/time.

Comment: You can allow readers to send you a comment  by email on for that specific post. The comment won't be shown on the blog.

Ad/Aff.: Available in the registered version, you can decide to not show ads or affiliates offers for a particular post. For example, a post can be written to promote a specific service or product or ads are not clicked often or low quality.

Keywords: It's the list of keywords that you posts mentioned.

URL: This is the URL of the post. If you don't enter one, MSB will use the title of the post. This will give you more flexibility like adding a category in front of it.

For examples, your post title is: "This Is My Funny Post For February 2009

this-is-my-funny-post-for-february-2009 (default given by MSB)

funny-post-feburary-2009  (Edited by you by removing some words)

joke-funny-post-february-2009 (Edited by you by removing some words and adding a category)

NOTE: You must not add .PHP to it.

Below the grid:

Plus: To add a post.

Minus: To remove the current post.

Total:  Total of posts in the grid.

All, None, Invert, Delete: To apply the the action on the selected posts.

Publish All: You can mark all posts to be Published.

Import from folder: This options allow you to import all the .txt in a folder(registered version only)..

Example, you might not have access to your computer but wrote a few post using a text editor on another computer and saved them on a USB key.

Subject is the first line:  By default, the file name will be used for the post title. You can overide this by using the first line in the .txt(registered version only).

Post area: This where you will write the post(HTML possible).

Keywords: tools, manage, blog, posts